How does one know what is truth and reality when dealing, playing and working in a virtual world? The reason I am writing this is due to the fact that at some point we all question someones honesty when in all reality you cannot see the person, only the avatar of someone you may talk to or work with in a virtual world. I may be Sadie Pippita in Second Life, but in the real world I am Kim Randall. I have the same voice, feelings, opinions, fears, desires, likes, dislikes and so on as Sadie only I am able to actually interact with people face to face. Kim may not have the "perfect" sculpted body as Sadie may have, but in all reality Sadie is Kim and Kim is Sadie. If Sadie gets her feelings hurt, Kim's feelings are hurt as well. If Kim is having a horrible day, well so is Sadie.
Now this is not all true for everyone when it comes to playing and meeting with people in virtual worlds. Some people use a virtual life as a platform to be someone that they wish they were, used to be or maybe they even take on a friends personality in world. Some people use virtual reality as an escape from what they may or may not be experiencing in the real world. In Second Life you can choose to have long flowing hair when in reality that person sitting behind their desk may have a disease that has taken all of their hair away. Let's face it, you can be anything and anyone you wish when no one can see your human face.
Fact is, a majority of people will never know if Sadie Pippita's real life picture is really her, however there are a lot of people that do. I am one of the fortunate types that happens to have real life family and friends in the world to be able to vouch for me.
It is then left up to the others to create an image of who I really am. Some people like to be who they are not and others choose to be who they are whether they are taking a walk in the sun or sitting at a desk. Even in a virtual world, there can be a cross over from virtual TO reality. Sometimes one steps over that line allowing someone to see them for who they truly are.
I, myself have formed COUNTLESS real life friendships in a virtual atmosphere. Each and every avatar has the choice to make on whether they wish to let their true colors shine or become a different person. The only one that ever knows the truth is the one controlling the avatar UNTIL one crosses the virtual line and takes it a step further into the real world. It is highly unlikely to be fake and hold up a virtual sense of being once you are face to face with someone that you used to only communicate with avatar to avatar.
Closing line is, it is not up to one person to make a decision and false assumptions as to who someone really is. People have feelings and let's face it, there is a real, live person controlling that avatar you may see walking about in the virtual world. Just because someone chooses to be a robot in Second Life does not mean that person is truly like that in real life. Before one goes about with assumptions, take a moment to remember this..... The avatar on your screen has feeling just like you do and some people can be truly honest even when disguised in a pixelated body with prim shoes and no flaws.
****Take a moment to think about WHO you really want people to think you are****