So today after I finished doing some email campaigns and phone calls for, I went to log into Second Life. The first time I logged in I received a message saying "Failure to find body part, body part replaced". I thought that was very odd. I looked in my inventory and sure enough although my eyes were in there, Second Life had replaced my eyes with "New Eyes". Interesting I thought. I could not replace them and now mysterious New Eyes were in my inventory that I could not get rid of. I re-logged and all was normal. No new eyes in my inventory, my old eyes were on and everything was perfect........Perfect until I changed my hair and CRASHED! Yeah I crashed, darn hair lol. When I went to log back in I received this beautiful login page yet again.

Now I am no stranger to this login screen. I get it often these days as if it is a test of my loyalty to Second Life. However today I was having many issues. Crashing here and there and then logging in to being a noob or a cloud or having noob hair. You know all of those things that can really annoy an avatar. So I was on my crashing spree and relogging when the Second Life login screen amazed me. Yes Second Life outdid itself this time. Check out this new image. How can I be mad, it is too funny!