I was shocked to learn today that the Second Life Mentors Group is officially closing on December 11, 2009. I have personally been mentoring in Second Life since 2007 and have enjoyed helping so many new people joining the Virtual World we have all come to know and love. We have helped many people find lost items, learn how to fly and heck even just get off of one of the Help Islands that Newbies all too often get stuck on.

I can't help but wonder why Linden Labs is choosing to close down a group that is basically working for them for FREE minus the title and Linden last name that is. Are they doing it to downsize and cut corners on Linden Lab employees? Will Lexie Linden be losing her job now? So many questions yet not many answers. They say they are moving everything pretty much over to the Second Life Questions site that has been in beta for a while now. That sounds great, but what about those people that don't know about the site? What about those that don't have computers good enough to run both the Second Life client and a browser?
I am honestly confused about the motive behind this, but I would like to let all of my Mentoring buddies know that no matter what Linden Labs decides to cut, they CAN'T stop any of us from doing what we love and do so well and that is to help others!
Be the bigger person here and let's show them that we do not need a Linden run group to help people that need it.
With Social Media, Social Networking and so many other awesome outlets, we will be able to help those that need it!
I am proud to say that I WAS a Second Life Mentor and am now a Mentor to those that need help in their Second Life.
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I can't help but wonder why Linden Labs is choosing to close down a group that is basically working for them for FREE minus the title and Linden last name that is. Are they doing it to downsize and cut corners on Linden Lab employees? Will Lexie Linden be losing her job now? So many questions yet not many answers. They say they are moving everything pretty much over to the Second Life Questions site that has been in beta for a while now. That sounds great, but what about those people that don't know about the site? What about those that don't have computers good enough to run both the Second Life client and a browser?
I am honestly confused about the motive behind this, but I would like to let all of my Mentoring buddies know that no matter what Linden Labs decides to cut, they CAN'T stop any of us from doing what we love and do so well and that is to help others!
Be the bigger person here and let's show them that we do not need a Linden run group to help people that need it.
With Social Media, Social Networking and so many other awesome outlets, we will be able to help those that need it!
I am proud to say that I WAS a Second Life Mentor and am now a Mentor to those that need help in their Second Life.
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