I was recently introduced to the world of virtual fishing. I thought it would be SOOOOO boring because in RL I absolutely hate to fish unless I have some beer and fun people with me and even then it is less about the fishing and more about the drinking lol. So I was fixing up my parcel that my Mom and I happen to share in SL and I thought it would be nice to get her set up with a fishing simulator thingy so I was talking to a friend that has it on her sim. She said it was wonderful and that they had some trial poles if I wanted to try it out. I did just that and quickly realized that 5 casts were not enough. I was "hooked"! So I bought myslef a pro pole as well as one for my Mom and a friend and spent an entire weekend cluttering my inventory with prim fish, swimsuits, hats and other goodies you can "catch" I had a lot of fun doing it too. If you haven't checked out the fishing in SL yet I do suggest that you do :-)
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