1. Link to your original tagger, and make sure you list these rules on your blog.
2. Share five facts about yourself in the post - some random, some weird ~ make it fun!
3. Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names and the links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
OK so here are my five facts, can't keep them secret forever.
1. My real name is NOT Sadie Pippita. That is my SL name, my real name is Kim Randall and if I would have known I would be working in SL when I first checked out the game back in 2006, I may have named my avatar Kim :P
2. I currently live with family so I can be able to pursue my dreams.
3. I have a black Chihuahua named Cabo that believes MY bed is really his. Yes, he has growled at me when I have gone to bed before. Spoiled puppy!
4. I work in my PJs and LOVE it!
5. I really do love what I do for a job! Not many people can say that, but I can.
OK so there are my five facts...Might not be as interesting as you would have thought, but hey I don't know you like that yet! LOL
Here is a list of the Five Bloggers I personally have chosen to tag. I do believe their blogs are worth the reading, so have a look at 'em. None are the same and all have unique content.....SOooooooOO happy tagging!
1. Creative Wisdom http://blueleafcreative.wordpress.com/ Twitter: @Creative Wisdom
2. Gianna Borgnine (Sand Castle Studios) http://changingworldsbuildingdreams.com/blog/ Twitter: @GiannaBorgnine
3. Jim Connolly http://jimsmarketingblog.com/ Twitter: @Jimconnolly
4. Chris Brogan http://www.chrisbrogan.com/
Twitter: @ChrisBrogan
5. Geoff Wakeling http://www.jarada.bravejournal.com/ Twitter: @GeoffWakeling
OK so I broke the rules....I can't think of two more to put on here just yet. I will though, I promise!
Happy, happy tagging people!

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